Monday, April 23, 2012

Jeannette's Gender Reveal

I met Jeannette when I was 38 weeks pregnant with Oliver and out doing FAITH visits (where you go out and visit with people who had visited the church and make sure they know what it means to be a Christian and what it is to be saved) for Westside. She had visited the church and I was out to go visit her. I find it so ironic that it was my intention to make sure Jeannette knew what it was to be saved, when in fact, this last year, it's been clear that God was sending me to Jeannette to be one of the people to get me through my own struggles as well as to have me help her through hers. Jeannette is pregnant with her third baby and wanted a Gender Reveal party which Marie and I threw for her a couple weekends ago. She has two boys already and couldn't wait to get her friends together to find out what she was having this time!
we did all the old wives tales, she was split 50/50

..and a game, Jimmy guessed Jeannette's belly almost perfectly!
About to cut the cake and find out if it's a boy or girl

showing off the sonogram picture
we had 8 little boys running around!
all the girls

IT'S a BOY!!!!!
Oli relaxing after the party

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