Monday, December 3, 2012

Thanksgiving in WPB

A little out of order, but here is Thanksgiving

Nicolae learned how to play checkers

They got haircuts and we went to Babat's office for slurpees afterward

Thanksgiving we went to Grandma and Grandpa. It was not the same without Grandma who was in the hospital for a couple days but we all went up to visit her
made a bonfire, Gabriel was tending the fire
The fireman came
Gabriel getting tickled by Babat, Neena and Uncle Kenny
a trip to walmart

Thanksgiving dinner
time for dessert

The next day, we did black friday while the boys went fishing. That afternoon, we went to grandpa and grandma to have Gabriel's and Kylie's birthday. 

Nicolae decorated Gabriel's cake as a surprise for his brother

fishing on the pier

Gabriel fell asleep and Babat pretended

On Saturday, we watched the Gator game and fed the ducks. We did some swimming on Sunday before we left

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