Saturday, June 30, 2012

Oli's Swimming!

He's still such a little guy (16 months old, 8 teeth-2 new molars!- and 20 lbs) but he's getting so big, especially when I see him swim. He's not finished yet but he's almost there and can now roll to his back to float on his own. I've never seen him light up doing something as much as I do when I see him swim. He loves it so much! In the video he is so happy he's squealing. Lana is so great. The boys love her and Gabriel still asks at every lesson if he could go in and swim with her..she eventually let him. This past week, the pool was pretty cold after all that rain and Lana put her wet suit on to get in the pool. Nicolae says, "Lana, you look really good in that." What a sweet boy

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