Sunday, June 30, 2013

Donuts for Dads and Awards

Nicolae had a Donuts for Dads party for Father's Day at his school, followed by their award ceremony (for attendance, learning sounds and reading). Nicolae had asked me a couple times the day before if Scott could come with him to get donuts, so I had him ask Scott when he woke for school. Nicolae really wanted him there so Scott drove him to school for donuts and I met them there later for the awards. As we were watching the awards, Gabriel asked me if Nicolae was going to say, "My name is Nicolae Johnson" (like he did for his play)

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Lizard Whisperer

Lana named him the lizard whisperer. He's caught 3 total so far. He went after them at the pool while Oli was in lessons. Lana noticed he snuck up on them and just grabbed them; they never tried to run away

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Nicolae is almost done with Kindergarten! He had a carnival at his school a couple weeks ago

He is pretty silly sometimes. Still very opinionated and stubborn. Still dislikes the abstract
He loves superheros
Giving Oli a ride after bath time

Saturday, June 1, 2013

How Does Our Garden Grow

Look at our zucchini! We are growing lettuce, tomato, onion, zucchini, brocolli, carrots and strawberries.