Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Patch and More

We went to the pumpkin patch with the girls but also had some other fun times I hadn't posted yet.
Gabriel lounging in the pool
 This started with chalking our hair
 Piled in
 Trip to Publix-cookies for everyone
 Planted more flowers
 Watched the Gator game
 Went for ice cream

Long day
Now, the pumpkin patch:

bounce house

Hay ride was out of service

my sweet boys

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Just some random pictures of what the boys have been up to.  
 Gabriel still loves his sharks (and trains)
 Oli taking out the recycling
 ..then walk home with his brother
 Gabriel playing with "caterpillars"
 Oli loves our flowers we planted
So expressive but he loves this face when we drive

 Sumflowers bloomed. They are taller than Nicolae
 Helping me cook
 Time for a show

 Nicolae convinced Gabriel to carry his backpack home
 Finger painting
 He is so silly!
Gabriel making his tracks

Thursday, October 25, 2012


The older boys had their first ever cleanings a couple weeks ago! They both did great and their teeth were so clean. The ladies that work there are super nice. They even let them play dentist with all the equipment. They ended Nicolae's appointment with Gabriel in the chair while Nicolae sprayed water and air into Gabriel's mouth and Gabriel used the suction to spit it out

 Nicolae has a different shirt on for his before and after because he had to go back and use a special peroxide toothpaste