Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Beach Vacation

Scott's friend owns a condo and we were able to use it before school starts again for me and Nicolae. I have been SUPER busy with starting school this summer and it was a nice getaway before starting all over this fall. These pictures are quite out of order but there was lots of beach and pool with a couple days at Castillo de San Marcos and a day at Ft Matanza
Oli hiding to make a poop
my beach boys!

Nicolae at Castillo de San Marcos

Ft Matanza

A sweet picture of the boys turned into Oli noticing a DAAAADoo (dog) across the street
watching the cannon demonstration

Check out Gabriel's form!
A "pirate"
We took a ride to Sammy's house!

You think he's licked a few beaters before??

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Trip to See Babat

We headed down to see Babat for his surgery, which went well.
We drove through a thunderstorm and it was loud
He sleeps with his head totally covered

gnawing on some raw corn

Grandma broke her foot and had a ice bag for it. Oli enjoyed it

swimming with Uncle Matt

catching lizards

Nicolae enjoys cats and Oli loves them all

Babat came home from the hospital and the boys enjoyed some popsicles with him

Monday, August 20, 2012

Saturday with the Girls

Our first time with the kids all together went really well. They got along and had a great time at the pool. We had a wonderful time all together!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Nicolae is 5!!

Nicolae is growing up so fast! He's so ready for kindergarten. He loves to swim and cook and to run. He asks to go out and (not play) RUN. He loves to play video games, of course fighting and the "mad bird game". He also loves to be right and in control. He is incredibly by the book. There's no room for metaphors, analogies, figures of speech or anything of the sort. He gets along well with Oliver and plays well with Gabriel for the most part. He had an angry bird party with a few friends the week before his birthday.


Nakey boys after the pool