Friday, July 27, 2012

Neena Visits

Neena came to visit on her way to a ladies trip. We went to Jeannette's baby shower and to the mall for a steam engine ride and a trim for Nicolae. Gabriel left his little "bruce" and we couldn't find him so he now says, Bruce is shopping at the mall. We also went to the store to let Nicolae pick out a present for his brithday from Neena and Babat.
Oli loving on his buddy Tristan

before and after

Oli in action
reading with Neena

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Cousins Visit

Jennifer, Matt and all their kids came to visit on their way home from a trip to West Palm. The kids played great together and we were so excited to see them!! The day before and the day after Jen's visit, Missy and Kelly stopped through on their way to visit Robert for the weekend. I just love seeing my cousins
Missy-always trying to impress Oli :)
Oli fell asleep with Matt
 Checking out Kelly's drink
 Nicolae, Gabriel and Addison playing
Oli driving home from the pool

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Playing in the Rain

It rained a lot while Debby was hanging out over us and the boys went and played in the rain.
For fun, here's a picture of me doing the same thing at the same age in June 1987

Saturday, July 7, 2012

3rd Annual Ladies Trip

6 of us ladies headed to the beach for some tanning and away time. So relaxing as usual.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Father's Day in West Palm

I got to take the boys for Father's Day weekend since Micah's parents were in town to visit the boys the weekend before. We picked up Georgia and headed to West Palm for a visit. Of course, there was pool, golf and family eating and shenanigans and a little play at the beach.
Georgia and Oli in the kiddie pool
about to head outside to golf
Nicolae loves to look at my cupcake making book and picked this one to make with Neena

homemade slip and slide
following Grandpa around for food
Kathy hiding some crackers in his pockets




Showing off their colored tongues
Hanging at Babat's office

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nicolae VBS

I put Nicolae in VBS where he went to VPK. His friend Victor was in a class with him. I'm so happy to see Nicolae being more social and even participating in the dancing!Nicolae is in the front row in his red shark shirt