Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nicolae Graduates VPK

It's official-Nicolae is in kindergarten! He finished his last day of VPK on May 15th. They had a fun day wearing pajamas, watching Lion King and having lunch. I can't believe Nicolae's done with pre-k! He had Ms. Catherine as a teacher and she was absolutely wonderful. We were so thankful to have her teaching. There were 8 kids in his class and they all got along so well. Nicolae learned so much in school and writes very well. His teacher says he writes as well as a 6 year old and he is very meticulous, staying at his art table even up until I would come pick him up. He knew the rules and made sure everyone else knew them as well.
some of his buddies
Victor, Maile, Aubrey, Nicolae, Kira, Kaitlyn, and Ranze with Ms. Catherine
getting his certificate

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day!! I got a few gifts and we spent the day with Marie and John and Junior. Nicolae is doing awesome swimming in the pool. I love being a mother to these boys

Friday, May 18, 2012

Kira's 5th Birthday and Zeke's House

We celebrated with Kira, a girl from Nicolae's class, for her 5th birthday at Sun Country. The kids had tons of fun, of course.
jumping in the foam pit
the group

Nicolae with classmates
After the party, we went to Zeke's for lunch and play
Oli playing with Yeti
Eating watermelon and below, Oli's checking on Zora

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Caitlin and Emma 1st Birthday

We went to Caitlin and Emma's to celebrate their first birthday!
Bee theme, their mom did such a cute job with the food and crafts

Oli with one of the birthday girls

Birthday girls with one of their older sisters

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


This past time at Morningside, the kids did great. Gabriel really got into feeding the animals and Oli was able to walk around.

Gabriel and Zeke